
Your First Query

Welcome to your first challenge! On pages like these, I'll challenge you to write a query to fetch a specific result. You can take as many tries as you need to solve it, and the query will execute in a real Postgres database. The first one will be simple. Type this into the editor above:

SELECT reason
FROM reasons_to_learn_sql;

Then, click the "Run" button to run it.

The result of your query will show up in the "Result" tab. To see the result I expect you to produce, which I encourage, click on the "Expected" tab. If you just want to see the solution, click the "Solution" tab. Try to resist looking at the answer before giving it a try.

© 2022 Andrew Carlson. All rights reserved.

to become more autonomous in data analysis
to better structure your thoughts
to develop a useful professional skill
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